Welcome to Bethune Elementary's Home on the Web

Join the Bethune Team!!!!

*** We are looking for**
7th Grade Math
7th/8th Grade ELA/Social Studies
4-6 Teacher
Gym, Art, and Music Teachers
Climate Support Staff

Our drinking water will be tested in the next 10 days.  Please read the following letter.

Here are the notices of a Federal mandate by the EPA informing building occupants of the availability of the 3 Year AHERA Management Plan (English Version) (Spanish Version)

A Message from Principal Bradley

Hotep Family,

This year will promise to be as colorful and nuanced as each year prior.  Each year post Pandemic learning we would start out saying “this year can’t be as hard as last year…” and boy how wrong we were!  We are very clear now that each year will require us to work differently, continue to be innovative and protect our peace.  Our scholars must be at the center while we’re here and we need to ask ourselves – what must we release to be present?  I am looking forward to a year of healing-centered work!

This is our year,
Principal Bradley

A Message from Assistant Principal Evangelista

Dear Bethune Bears,

I am so excited to begin my tenth year as your assistant principal.  I hope that your summer was relaxing and rejuvenating. The beginning of a new school year reminds us that the future holds infinite possibilities.  I look forward to continuing our focus this year on teaching and learning so that our scholars graduate college and career ready. I am here to serve this community of learners and to help support ALL scholars in finding their voice in order to appropriately advocate for themselves and others.

Have a wonderful school year!
Assistant Principal Evangelista

A Message from Assistant Principal Frye-Thompson

Dear Bethune Family,

My name is Assistant Principal Frye-Thompson. I am excited for the upcoming school year. My core values as an educator are providing high-quality and equitable learning experiences for scholars in Philadelphia. I believe the Bethune community is committed to building a firm educational foundation that will enable scholars to become life-long learners prepared to serve local and global communities.

I feel privileged to continue the legacy of Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune by supporting our scholars’ learning and encouraging them to become empowered servants.

Let’s lean on each other and get into the work!

Assistant Principal Frye-Thompson